1 |
Dustin Burrows (R) |
Speaker |
2 |
Greg Bonnen (R) |
Appropriations Chair, General Investigating |
3 |
Todd Hunter (R) |
Calendars Chair, Land & Resource Management,
Public Education and Subcommittee |
4 |
Charlie Geren (R) |
House Administration Chair, State Affairs, General Investigating, Licensing & Administrative Procedures |
5 |
Ken King (R) |
State Affairs Chair, House Administration |
6 |
Cody Harris (R) |
Natural Resources Chair, Calenders, Licensing & Administrative Procedures |
7 |
Morgan Meyer (R) |
Ways & Means Chair, House Administration |
8 |
Brad Buckley (R) |
Public Education Chair, Natural Resources |
9 |
Drew Darby (R) |
Energy Resources Chair, State Affairs, House Administration |
10 |
Jeff Leach (R) |
Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Chair, Calendars
Public Education |
11 |
Jared Patterson (R) |
Local & Consent Calendars Chair, Licensing & Adm. Procedures, Transportation and Subcommittee |
12 |
Dade Phelan (R) |
Former Speaker, Licensing & Administrative Procedures Chair, State Affairs |
13 |
Tom Craddick (R) |
Former Speaker, Transportation Chair, Energy Resources |
14 |
Carl Tepper (R) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Intergovernmental Affairs and 2 Subcommittees, Calendars, Redistricting |
15 |
Terry Wilson (R) |
Higher Education Chair, Elections, Redistricting |
16 |
Will Metcalf (R) |
Culture, Recreation & Tourism Chair, State Affairs and
Telecommunications & Broadband Subcommittee |
17 |
Giovanni Capriglione (R) |
Delivery of Government Efficiency Chair, Ways & Means
and Property Tax Appraisals Subcommittee |
18 |
Brooks Landgraf (R) |
Environmental Regulation Chair, Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence and Family and Fiduciary Subcommittee |
19 |
Lacey Hull (R) |
Human Services Chair, State Affairs and Telecommunications & Broadband Subcommittee |
20 |
Angie Chen Button (R) |
Trade, Workforce & Economic Development Chair,
Ways & Means and Property Tax Appraisals Subcommittee |
21 |
Toni Rose (D) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Calendars Vice-Chair, Human Services |
22 |
Mary Gonzalez (D) |
Appropriations Vice-Chair and Articles I, IV and V Subcommitte Chair, Natural Resources |
23 |
Joe Moody (D) |
Speaker Pro Tem, General Investigating, Administration, Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence, Criminal Jurisprudence |
24 |
Cole Hefner (R) |
Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veterans' Affairs Chair, Transportation and Funding Subcommittee, Redistricting |
25 |
Gary VanDeaver (R) |
Public Health Chair,
Higher Education |
26 |
Keith Bell (R) |
General Investigating Chair, Env. Regulation, Trade, Workforce & Economic Development and Subcommittee |
27 |
Sam Harless (R) |
Corrections Chair, House Administration, Licensing & Investigative Procedures |
28 |
Chris Turner (D) |
State Affairs, Ways & Means and Property Tax Appraisals Subcommittee Chair |
29 |
Terry Canales (D) |
Calendars, Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veterans' Affairs, Transportation and Funding Subcommittee Chair |
30 |
Ana Hernandez (D) |
Calendars, Licensing & Administrative Procedures, State Affairs Vice Chair and Telecommunications Subcommittee |
31 |
Ryan Guillen (R) |
Agriculture & Livestock Chair, State Affairs, Redistricting |
32 |
John Smithee (R) |
Criminal Jurisprudence Chair, State Affairs |
33 |
Gary Gates (R) |
Land & Resource Management Chair, Energy Resources |
34 |
Stan Lambert (R) |
Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Chair,
Higher Education |
35 |
Jay Dean (R) |
Insurance Chair, Energy Resources |
36 |
Cecil Bell Jr. (R) |
Intergovernmental Relations Chair, Natural Resources |
37 |
Rafael Anchia (D) |
State Affairs and Telecommunications and Broadband Suibcommittee Chair, Environmental Regulation |
38 |
Oscar Longoria (D) |
Licensing & Administrative Procedures, Trade Workforce & Economic Development and Subcommittees Chair & VC |
39 |
Harold Dutton (D) |
Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence and Family and Fiduciary Subcommittee Chair, Public Education and Subcommittee |
40 |
Philip Cortez (D) |
Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veterans' Affairs and Subcommittee Chair, Intergovernmental Affairs |
41 |
Armando Walle (D) |
Appropriations and Articles VI, VII and VIII Subcommittee Chair, Licensing & Administrative Procedures |
42 |
Angelina Orr (R) |
Appropriations and Article II Subcommittee Chair,
Culture, Recreation & Tourism |
43 |
Stan Kitzman (R) |
Appropriations and Article III Subcommittee Chair,
Agriculture & Livestock |
44 |
Matt Shaheen (R) |
Elections Chair, Higher Education |
45 |
Cody Vasut (R) |
Redistricting Chair, Ways & Means, Culture Recreation & Tourism |
46 |
John Lujan (R) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee Vice-Chair, Trade and Subcommittee Chair, Local & Consent Calendars |
47 |
Trent Ashby (R) |
Public Education and Academic & Career-Oriented Subcommittee Chair, Natural Resources |
48 |
Armando Martinez (D) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee Vice-Char,
Natural Resources Vice-Chair, House Administration |
49 |
Gene Wu (D) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Redistricting, Criminal Jurisprudence and Juvenile Justice Subcommittee |
50 |
Janie Lopez (R) |
Appropriations and 2 Subcommittees, Calendars, Agriculture & Livestock |
51 |
James Frank (R) |
Public Health and Disease Prevention and Women's and Children's Health Subcommittee Chair,
Public Education |
52 |
David Spiller (R) |
Intergovernmental Relations and County & Regional Government Subcommittee Chair, Insurance, Redistricting |
53 |
Donna Howard (D) |
Appropriations and Article II Subcommittee Vice-Chair, Higher Education Vice-Chair |
54 |
Stan Gerdes (R) |
Calendars, Energy Resources, Licensing & Administrative Procedures |
55 |
Ann Johnson (D) |
Calendars, Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Vice-Chair, Public Health and Disease Prevention Subcommittee |
56 |
Senfronia Thompson (D) |
Licensing & Administrative Procedures Vice-Chair, State Affairs |
57 |
Caroline Fairly (R) |
Appropriations and 2 Subcommittees, Natural Resources
Local & Consent Calendars |
58 |
Jeff Barry (R) |
Appropriations and 2 Subcommittees, Natural Resources
Local & Consent Calendars |
59 |
Denise Villalobos (R) |
Appropriations and 2 Subcommittees, Natural Resources
Local & Consent Calendars |
60 |
John McQueeney (R) |
Licensing & Administrative Procedures, State Affairs and Telecommunications & Broadband Subcommittee |
61 |
Mano DeAyala (R) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee Vice-Chair, Culture, Recreation & Tourism |
62 |
David Cook (R) |
Criminal Jurisprudence and Juvenile Justice
Subcommittee Chair, Delivery of Government Efficiency |
63 |
Ramon Romero (D) |
Calendars, Licensing & Administrative Procedures, Natural Resources |
64 |
Cassandra Hernandez (D) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Intergovernmental Affairs and Subcommittee Vice-Chair |
65 |
Barbara Gervin-Hawkins (D) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Ways & Means, Redistricting |
66 |
Venton Jones (D) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Corrections Vice-Chair |
67 |
Erin Gamez (D) |
General Investigating Vice-Chair, Natural Resources, Transportation |
68 |
Christian Manuel (D) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Human Services Vice-Chair, Redistricting |
69 |
Tom Oliverson (R) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Environmental Regulation, Redistricting |
70 |
Lauren Simmons (D) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Public Health |
71 |
Shelby Slawson (R) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Human Services |
72 |
Nicole Collier (D) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Public Health |
73 |
Vikki Goodwin (D) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Insurance |
74 |
Yvonne Davis (D) |
State Affairs, Land & Resource Management |
75 |
Trey Martinez Fischer (D) |
Ways & Means Vice-Chair, Culture, Recreation & Tourism |
| |
76 |
John Bucy (D) |
Elections Vice-Chair, Local & Consent Calendars, Public Health and Disease Prevention Subcommittee Vice-Chair |
77 |
James Talerico (D) |
House Administration, Trade Vice-Chair, Public Education and Subcommittee Vice-Chair |
78 |
Diego Bernal (D) |
Public Education Vice-Chair, Ways & Means
and Property Tax Appraisals Subcommittee |
79 |
Sheryl Cole (D) |
Administration Vice-Chair, Culture Recreation & Tourism, Intergovernmental Affairs and Subcommittee Vice-Chair |
80 |
Mary Ann Perez (D) |
Transportation Vice-Chair and Subcommittee,
Licensing & Administrative Procedures |
81 |
Erin Zwiener (D) |
Intergovernmental Affairs and Subcommittee Vice-Chair, Local & Consent Calendars, Natural Resources |
82 |
Ron Reynolds (D) |
Energy Resources, Environmental Regulation,
House Administration |
83 |
Eddie Morales Jr. (D) |
Energy Resources Vice-Chair, Transportation |
84 |
J.M. Lozano (R) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Corrections |
85 |
Brian Harrison (R) |
Appropriations and Subcommittee, Corrections |
86 |
Richard Raymond (D) |
State Affairs, Elections |
87 |
Josey Garcia (D) |
Energy Resources. Natural Resources, Redistricting |
88 |
Charles Cunningham (R) |
Local & Consent Calendars, Public Education, Public Health and Disease Prevention Subcommittee |
89 |
Jon Rosenthal (D) |
Redistricting Vice-Chair, Energy Resources, Intergovernmental Affairs |
90 |
Claudia Ordaz (D) |
Environmental Regulation Vice-Chair, Trade, Workforce & Economic Development |
91 |
Rhetta Bowers (D) |
Local & Consent Calendars Vice-Chair, Criminal Jurisprudence, Delivery of Government Efficiency |
92 |
Suleman Lalani (D) |
Land & Resource Management Vice-Chair
Higher Education |
93 |
Lulu Flores (D) |
Culture, Recreation & Tourism Vice-Chair,
Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence |
94 |
Hubert Vo (D) |
Insurance Vice-Chair, Pensions, Investments
& Financial Services |
95 |
Elizabeth Campos (D) |
Public Health Vice-Chair, Delivery of Government Efficiency |
96 |
Bobby Guerra (D) |
Agriculture & Livestock Vice-Chair, Energy Resources, Redistricting |
97 |
Mihaela Plesa (D) |
Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Vice-Chair, Elections |
98 |
Salman Bojani (D) |
Delivery of Government Efficiency Vice-Chair, Trade, Workforce & Economic Development and Subcommittee |
99 |
Vincent Perez (D) |
Ways & Means, Higher Education,
Local & Consent Calendars, |
100 |
Gina Hinojosa (D) |
Public Education, Land & Resource Management |
101 |
Helen Kerwin (R) |
Public Education, Culture, Recreation & Tourism, |
102 |
Terri Leo Wilson (R) |
Public Education, Intergovernmental Affairs and State-Federal Relations Subcommittee |
103 |
John Bryant (D) |
Public Education, Pensions, Investments
& Financial Services |
104 |
Alan Schoolcraft (R) |
Public Education and Subcommittee, Pensions, Investments & Financial Services |
105 |
Ellen Troxclair (R) |
Ways & Means, Delivery of Government Efficiency, |
106 |
Sergio Munoz Jr. (D) |
Ways & Means, Agriculture & Livestock |
107 |
Alma Allen (D) |
Public Education, Corrections |
108 |
Charlene Ward Johnson (D) |
Higher Education, Culture, Recreation & Tourism |
109 |
Joanne Shofner (R) |
Higher Education, Public Health |
110 |
Jessica González (D) |
Local & Consent Calendars, Insurance, Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence and Family & Fiduciary Subcommittee |
111 |
Candy Noble (R) |
Ways & Means and Property Tax Appraisals
Subcommittee Vice-Chair, Human Services |
112 |
Mike Schofield (R) |
Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence, Public Health |
113 |
Ray Lopez (D) |
Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veterans' Affairs Vice-Chair and Subcommittee, Land & Resource Management |
114 |
Caroline Harris Davilla (R) |
Trade, Workforce & Economic Development and Subcommittee Vice-Chair, Transportation |
115 |
Dennis Paul (R) |
Transportation and Subcommittee Vice-Chair, Insurance |
116 |
Hillary Hickland (R) |
Ways & Means, Homeland Security and Subcommittee, Redistricting |
117 |
Marc LaHood (R) |
Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence and Family and Fiduciary Relationships Subcommittee,
Transportation |
118 |
Paul Dyson (R) |
Energy Resources, Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence |
119 |
Aicha Davis (D) |
Higher Education, Human Services |
120 |
Jolanda Jones (D) |
Criminal Jurisprudence and Subcommittee Vice-Chair, Public Health, Redistricting |
121 |
Richard Hayes (R) |
Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence and Subcommittee, Pensions, Investments & Financial Services |
122 |
Ben Bumgarner (R) |
Environmental Regulation, Pensions, Investments & Financial Services |
123 |
Terry Meza (D) |
Trade, Workforce & Economic Development, Corrections |
124 |
Penny Morales Shaw (D) |
Environmental Regulation, Elections |
125 |
Christine Morales (D) |
Transportation, Human Services |
126 |
Mark Dorazio (R) |
Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veterans' Affairs and Subcommittee Vice-Chair, Human Services |
127 |
Carrie Isaac (R) |
Elections, Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veterans' Affairs and Defense and Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee |
128 |
Katrina Pierson (R) |
Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veterans' Affairs, Public Health and Disease Prevention Subcommittee |
129 |
Steve Toth (R) |
Environmental Regulation, Elections |
130 |
Shelley Luther (R) |
Intergovernmental Affairs, Trade Workforce
& Economic Development |
131 |
Keresa Richardson (R) |
Trade, Workforce & Economic Development and Subcommittee, Human Services |
132 |
Tony Tinderholt (R) |
Higher Education, Delivery of Government Efficiency, |
133 |
Pat Curry (R) |
Transportation, Delivery of Government Efficiency |
134 |
Mike Olcott (R) |
Delivery of Government Efficiency, Public Health |
135 |
Daniel Alders (R) |
Land & Resource Management , Delivery of Government Efficiency, |
136 |
Linda Garcia (D) |
Pensions, Investments & Financial Services,
Delivery of Government Efficiency |
137 |
Matt Morgan (R) |
Insurance, Land & Resource Management |
138 |
Wes Virdell (R) |
Criminal Jurisprudence and Juvenile Justice Subcommittee, Land & Resource Management |
139 |
Janis Holt (R) |
Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veterans' Affairs, Pensions, Investments & Financial Services |
140 |
Mitch Little (R) |
Criminal Jurisprudence, Transportation |
141 |
David Lowe (R) |
Corrections, Intergovernmental Affairs and County
and Regional Government Subcommittee |
142 |
Valerie Swanson (R) |
Elections, Human Services |
143 |
AJ Louderback (R) |
Criminal Jurisprudence and Juvenile Justice Subcommittee, Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veterans' Affairs |
144 |
Nate Schatzline (R) |
Corrections, Human Services |
145 |
Trey Wharton (R) |
Corrections, Insurance |
146 |
Ana-Maria Ramos (D) |
Criminal Jurisprudence, Delivery of Government Efficiency |
147 |
Briscoe Cain (R) |
Agriculture & Livestock, Delivery of Government Efficiency |
148 |
Andy Hopper (R) |
Agriculture & Livestock, Insurance |
149 |
Don McLaughlin (R) |
Agriculture & Livestock, Homeland Security,
Public Safety & Veterans' Affairs |
150 |
Brent Money (R) |
Agriculture & Livestock, Criminal Jurisprudence |